Messages for 7774

02-10-2025 16:35:33
Hello, Adina! Please choose one option from the menu below with the list of things that you can learn using SMILEY. You will be able to revisit the other topics later. *1* - How to calm down or feel better *2* - Smart social media *3* - Help & Support
02-10-2025 16:35:33
How to calm down
02-10-2025 16:37:08
You want to do something to feel better. I have some ideas that might help! What activity would you like to try? 1 - My personal skills library for calming & distracting 2 - Savoring my positive memories 3 - Remembering what's important to me in life 4 - Expressing myself after negative situations 5 - Connecting with positive aspects of my identity 6 - Positive messages from other teens 7 - Show me other activities on the website 8 - Main Menu
02-10-2025 16:37:08
What's your participant id?
02-10-2025 16:34:37